Billing Policies

  • Tuition and Fees 365亚洲版学院按学期收费,秋季学期在7月的第一周寄出,春季学期在12月的第一周寄出. 学期付款应在每学期开始前的8月1日和1月1日到期. These statements are also available in the student’s self-service account online. 请理解,学生不能入住校园宿舍,直到1)未付清的余额为即将到来的学期或2)他们已经注册并开始按月付款计划付款. 在截止日期前未缴纳学费的学生,房间钥匙将被扣留. 在秋季课程的第一天,任何学生的课程注册将被取消. You can verify your Move In clearance by logging into the Portal and selecting the “Student” tab. There you will find a new section titled “required actions”. 如果“支付学费/办理入住手续”这一栏是绿色的,那么你已经满足了所有要求.
  • Financial Aid Applied to Accounts -经济援助每年发放一次,每学期支付给学生账户, contingent upon receipt of a signed award letter from the student.  If a signed award letter is not received, 然后,学生有责任按照上述截止日期支付到期的余额. One half of the stated award will be applied to each semester. 贷款在收到款项时支付给学生账户,在收到资金之前不会反映在账户上.
  • Payments on Account付款方式可以是现金、支票、汇票、保付支票或银行电汇. You may also pay by credit card on-line through CASHNet at . 如果您需要电汇说明,请致电(434)947-8112与商务办公室联系.
  • Refunds for Overpayments– If a payment or loan disbursement creates a credit balance on an account, the student may request a refund of that credit balance accessing the  “Request for Refund” form.
  • Statements and Late Fees – Statements will be generated monthly for accounts with unpaid balances. 学生也可以在他们的自助服务帐户上查看报表. 在到期日之前未收到的款项,每月将按逾期余额的2%收取滞纳金. Such fees are subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
  • Online Textbook Purchases-每个注册学生都有资格通过我们的虚拟在线书店收取高达500美元的费用, MBS Direct, before and during the first two weeks of each semester. 这些费用将在课程的第三周转入学费账户,并将在收到下一个对账单时到期.  To purchase books using this service please visit MBS Direct.
  • Overload Fees – Our semester fees are based on each student taking an average of 15.5 hours for credit per semester. However, the student may take as many as 20 credits with no additional fee. Any credits in excess of 20 will be billed at $450 per credit hour. 这些费用将在课程的第三周增加,并将在收到下一个对账单时到期.
  • Music Fees -请查阅学院目录,了解与参加私人音乐课相关的当前费用. 这些费用将在课程的第三周增加,并将在收到下一个对账单时到期.
  • Orientation Fees – All first-time, 一年级和转学生将在秋季学费账单中被评估为入学介绍费,该费用包括家长和学生在入学介绍会期间的材料和节目费用.
  • Returned Checks – 由于任何原因退回给学院的支票将被添加到学生的帐户余额中. In addition, the current returned check fee will be added to the account. 这些交易将反映在您的下一个报表上,并将在收到该报表时到期.
  • Business Office Holds – The Business Office places two types of holds on a student account.
    1. Registration Hold is placed on an account with an unpaid balance greater than $1,000. This prohibits participation in on-line registration and room draw.
    2. Business Office Hold is placed on accounts with any unpaid balance. This prohibits the release of transcripts and diplomas.
  • Unpaid Accounts for Current Students -在1月2日或6月1日,上学期的账户余额超过1000美元的学生将不再被视为入学,并可能被正式退学. Should this happen, 希望恢复学籍的学生必须全额支付未结余, and then apply and be accepted for readmission. 他们还将负责25美元的申请费和300美元的入学押金,以恢复入学资格.
  • Delinquent Accounts for Former Students – The College will, at its option, 将拖欠的帐户发送给催收机构,并将产生的任何催收费用添加到帐户余额中. 学生离开学院后90天内未使用的帐户将被考虑收回.
  • Residence Damage Charges – 宿舍房间和宿舍内公用区域的损坏费用,由宿舍生活办公室通知后,由学生的账户支付. 个别宿舍房间及其家具的损坏将由房间的居住者承担,除非知道其他负责损坏的人的身份,并且这些人全额支付了费用. 公共区域和其中的家具损坏的费用将由宿舍楼的所有居民平均分摊,除非对公共区域损坏负责的个人的身份是已知的,并且这些个人全额支付损害赔偿金.
  • Educational Benefit Account Agreement – 所有学生及其家长或监护人在入学前都需要填写并返回教育福利账户协议和学院的初始披露(EBAA).  此表格将在学生入学期间在商务办公室存档.  By completing this form, 学生及其家长或监护人同意支付所有应支付给学院的财务义务.  此表格允许学院与EBAA的所有各方讨论有关学费账户的财务事宜.